The Habitat – A zero-carbon development of spacious, sun-lit apartments in Leeds’ pioneering Green Quarter.
The Brief
Our client Vision Properties asked us to design a scheme for a site at the edge of Leeds city centre. We called the new building The Habitat because it will create spacious, comfortable urban homes that connect the people who live there to the environment.
The idea
Each of the 38 apartments will have a private terrace or balcony with adjustable screens to allow privacy and provide shade in summer to prevent overheating. The apartments are orientated to maximise the benefits of the winter sun, keeping them warm and comfortable when it’s cold outside.
The site faces South-West, with an open sunny aspect that offers wonderful views across Leeds’ pioneering Climate Innovation District to the River Aire. Drawing on the principles of Passive House design, the development will use higher levels of insulation, solar panels and air source heat pumps to achieve its zero-carbon goal. This focus on sustainability means excellent energy efficiency and lower energy bills for residents.
A large communal roof garden will be a focal point for residents while encouraging biodiversity by creating a valuable urban habitat for wildlife. This enjoyable green space full of flowering plants with nest boxes and insect habitats will allow expansive views across the city and enable users to enjoy Yorkshire’s legendary fresh air and sunshine.
The details
- Mesh was involved at the very start of the site appraisal process, undertaking feasibility studies to assess the financial viability of a variety of designs, including re-use, new build and phasing options.
- To help streamline the planning process, Mesh has led this with the wider team using a combination of pre-application discussion and constructive dialogue with the planning officer and design officer. Thorough exploration of design implications at the early stages has helped reduce the risk of unpredictable and time-consuming scheme re-designs later in the process.
- We have a thorough understanding of the developer appraisal and detailed knowledge of commercial implications of design decisions. This means we can take a positive design approach that will add real value, appeal to planners and maximise the property value.